Crossing the Blues

I thought it would be next to impossible to find a collection of one-of-a-kind tattoos as I would have to trudge through God knows how many websites but to my amazement, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Some words of wisdom from my good buddy Jerry Chuan finally set me on the right path and helped me accomplish my mission with relative ease. Here are some tips that you should do well to remember

Tattoos had quite different purpose in the past, and in some cultures it still keeps its primal function, and that is the protection. Tattoo was used for protection rather than decoration; in particular for protection during pregnancy and birth when woman is exposed to most risk. During a pregnancy, the net-like pattern of the tattoo would expand across the stomach protectively, and figures god

Harley Davidson tattoos offer a great look and a way to show your love of motorcycles. You can get the Harley logo, various representations of motorcycles, or various other artistic rendering. Some tattoos have the Harley name with a rose or the logo with flames coming from the sides. Tattoos have long been used around the world for beauty, identification, cosmetics, and spiritual reasons. They

What used to be a mark of rebellion and strife is now considered a fashion accessory. While most tattoos are still applied to men (and bought by men), girls and women are also getting into the act. There are even cute girl tattoos. Where men like to have their tattoos on the upper arm, or chest, or shoulder, most girls are aware that what they’re doing has to work with the somewhat more revealing

Many people who see someone with many tattoos will automatically think negative thoughts. Those who have tattoos are just like anyone else – except for the fact that they wish to stand out and broadcast who they are, simply because they have a strong sense of who they are. Those with tattoos aren’t afraid to show them, as they put them on their body to let others know who they are and what they